Stardate: 72338.5 (aka November 15, 2018)
Agenda: Auckland ➜ Hobbiton @ Matamata ➜ Rotorua
Executive Summary
Corporate Friends, you know that first page of a presentation that gives the high-level summary and recommendation? These pics are the executive summary if you don't have time to read the post. But that would be foolish, you should read the whole thing. The recommendation should be implicit, because #Hobbiton.I mean come on. This place is freaking fantastic. Whether or not you appreciate Peter Jackson's marvelous imagination or Tolkien's great work, the freaking HOBBITSES live here! And we are so moving in. See, we already have a place rented:
Club Endirock, 1 Hobbit Way, Matamata 3472, New Zealand |
Not joking, it's under consideration. Or maybe sheep farming. We did mention the sheep, right? See, plenty of sheep here, too.
After breakfast (#PBtoastFTW #grocerystoresmarts), we are up and ready to go! Adventuring in New Zealand!! I'm jet lagged and may have been a tad bit grumpy, (which is such a rare occurrence, I'm sure Jayme would agree) but we've got a 2.5 hour drive ahead of us, and I'm determined to perk up.Traveling south out of Auckland we emerge into beautiful rolling hills dotted with fluffy sheep. It's amazing. Jayme's a champ and maneuvering rush hour traffic just fine.
We find our way to Matamata, a precious village near Hobbiton. Most towns in the country are two-lanes down a quaint downtown strip of cafes, boutiques and unfortunately an American fast food joint or two.
Even the signage is cute! And check out the visitor's center (called an i-site). It's a Hobbit-themed visitor's center with a human-sized round door. Why can't all building look like this!
At this point, I'm getting really excited to see Hobbiton. Our tour is at 1:00pm, so we have some time to walk along "main street."
But first, lunch! More like 10sies, but fortification is needed. We stop at a cafe along the downtown route for a bite and definitely moar tea.
NZ cafes are amazeballs. Fresh, simple food. And fab fries. I go for a fruit smoothie, because I'm trying to make up for the 1,000,000 calories consumed in burgers, fries and freaking tasty Giapo (catch up pokey, if you didn't read episode #1 where we highlight Giapo goodness). Jayme decides on a steak sandwich. The plate 'o steak arrives. This is not your average American-style anemic steak sandwich. This is a STEAK sandwich. A 2" cut of steak on two lofty slices of crispy white bread. A dripping 2" of steak. Jayme's eyes are huge. And he digs in. Yes, thanks for asking. The smoothie was delicious, as was the cuppa tea.
Bellies full, we are off to Hobbiton.
We wind through yet more beautiful rolling pastoral scenes. And viola, here we are!
We have half-an-hour to kill, so I check out the shop full of every bit of LOTR gear you couldn't even imagine you needed. Believe me, I'm not a die-hard fan and I thought I needed it. Full Gandalf robe and hat set, yes, I could use that at Halloween and just to lounge around the house. Gollum Funko Pop. Of course I need that to showcase in my office. I was unsupervised and newly into this adventure and everything in line of sight had dazzling sparkles.
No, I am not the proud owner of Gandalf robes or Funko Pops. I settled on a great book, The Lord of the Rings Location Guidebook, which turned out to be a terrific overview of random NZ facts and took us off the beaten path a couple of times to see cool LOTR things, which by nature are also cool NZ sites. Win.
Finally it's our turn and I'm pretty excited! We load up on the bus to drive us out to the film site. The tour guides are fun, but mostly I'm digging the views and random facts about where they kept the set props, where lunch was served and other random movie tidbits. We unload and walk down a roughly overgrown path, the Hobbiton sign pointing the way. And we emerge into the Hobbit village. At this point, I'm smiling like a loon and taking pictures of every single detail. I freaking love this place!
This was our introduction to Hobbiton when you emerged from the path into the village.
I love the crazy attention to detail. The authentic lamp post. The vegetables and flowers in the garden. The props set up outside each cottage. The wittle Hobbit laundry hanging on the clothesline.
The place is amazing. And like I mentioned in the summary, we may be moving in.
Our Tour Guide, we would like to think lovingly, named us "Team Tex." Jayme was not super fond of that, but Team Tex we became!
And this Friends, is Bag's End.
You know, Bilbo and Frodo's house. And fun fact. Notice the rather large tree perched on Bag's End? Fake leaves! Hand-wired, fake leaves. #movietrivia
After touring the village we walk down the lane, by the watermill and over a bridge to the Green Dragon Inn.
Did you hear me? THE GREEN DRAGON INN! Yes, we had ale and mead there. WE HAD ALE AND MEAD AT THE GREEN DRAGON INN.
Will anything beat Hobbiton? I'm doubtful. And I can attest, that our next stop wasn't my favorite.
Next stop Rotorua (emphasis on the rua, roto pronounced quickly... not Ro-to-ru-a, as Team Tex said with their hick accent) in the Bay of Plenty region.Driving to Rotorua was loverly. Driving into Rotorua down out of low mountains was also loverly. Driving through Rotorua was not loverly. After the delightful scenery of Hobbiton and cute city of Matamata, we were expecting something more quaint. Rotorua seemed like an industrial / building supply town. And who thought it would be a great idea to develop a city directly on a live geothermal center. Like oh look at these smelly, bubbly pools. Let's develop our city right here. Rotorua is perched on Lake Rotoarua, and I get that. But right on bubbly, poop pools? Nope.
And all tourist literature highly recommended Rotorua. But why, oh why? Not only did it have an undercurrent of stinky poop, it just didn't compare to the rest of New Zealand.
I will own that I chose our motel poorly in Rotorua. The name should have been a clue, but hey TripAdvisor is always right, yes? RotoVegas. Yes, I chose a motel with the name, RotoVegas. A weak moment in the weeks I spent researching. It was disgusting. Everything was dirty and old and dirty. They tried a kitschy make-over, which might have worked if it had been clean. But it wasn't. And two nights? In retrospect, I wished we'd stayed on Lake Tuapo instead. So, I just tried to remember, "We're in freaking New Zealand!"
None of the typical tourist activities appealed and we were listless about dinner. We opted to pick up dinner from the grocery (surprise!) and eat in the motel kitchenette, after washing everything first. Kale salad mix for me and Jayme had a weird butter chicken pot pie thing.
After dinner we decided to check out the Redwoods Treewalk, which was a pretty cool treat.
The Redwoods are in Whakarewarewa Forest. In episode 3, I'll tell you how to pronounce Maori words like Whakarewarewa. I promise you'll want to hear about that.
Anyway, the Redwoods Treewalk, is a series of bridges hung 20 meters high between 27 huge California Redwood trees. The bridges are designed to preserve the trees, and each platform had an informational plaque about the trees, history and such.
We learned that the New Zealand government imported California Redwoods to replenish the forest that they decimated for farming when they settled NZ. California Redwoods grow more quickly than pines and are great building materials. And the north island is a similar climate to Northern California, so the trees grow well. Clearly. They were huge, and only a century or so old.
I was glad to learn the history of forestry during the Treewalk because the rest of the trip we could pick out tree farms and where they had recently cleared a patch.
During the day, the Treewalk is pretty neat. At night it's even cooler. There are large, arty lanterns hung throughout the trees that are lit from the inside. It's a totally different look. We enjoyed exploring while it was light, and then about 8:00pm dusk descended and the lights came on. That was pretty magical.
Overall, a nice topper to a fabulous day (see what I did there).
Back to the RotoVegas for a fitful nights sleep. I'd like to tell you I was out like a light, but not so. I'm too much of a hotel snob to be that exhausted. On a high note, every other place we stayed was a palace compared to good 'ol RotoVegas.
Today's favorites:
- Jayme: Steak sandwich in Matamata
- Bonnie: Hobbiton!
You won't want to miss the third episode where we contend with serious jet lag, rose gardens and being old.