Sunday, April 5, 2020

In Lieu of an Anniversary Trip, 23 Things for 23 Years

Today is a big day for BooBoo & the Honey Badger.  Today we've been a mighty, married duo for the same number of years as when we said "I do."

This 23-year adventure hasn't always been an easy one.  But it's been ours, and I think that we've weathered the storms with strength, respect and love. 

“For you see, each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.” - Rosemonde Gérard

There's nothing fancy about today.  We're enjoying the quiet, swinging by the Sprinkles to pick-up our favorite red velvet vegan goodness and reminiscing about past adventures (except Jayme keeps bringing up wishful, future adventures; he has the memory of a gnat.).

23 Good Things in 23 Years:
(not all the things, but 23 that make me smile)
  1. First kiss on the steps to Mabee Hall
  2. Midnight walks by Lois Perkins Chapel
  3. "Did you see the size of that chicken?"
  4. Graduating from Southwestern University
  5. Betty's adventures in California
  6. Moody Gardens & Comet Hale-Bopp
  7. Honeymoon in Carmel
  8. DA Consulting Group
  9. Carrows Cares
  10. Slug bugs & motorcycles
  11. Sacramento to Dallas in less than 30 hours
  12. Years at the Dallas Church of Christ
  13. Gertie & Clemie
  14. The fancy house with the media room
  15. Itty & Q
  16. 10 companies, 2 layoffs
  17. Graduate degree
  18. 3 apartments, 3 houses
  19. Amalfi Coast + Rome
  20. Debt-free twice
  21. Willow
  22. The fixer-upper & home renovations
  23. New Zealand
I'm grateful for the last 23 years and I'm grateful for the adventures to come.
“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours.  In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” - Maya Angelou

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